Animated opening titles.
Banging on the wall from next door.
Man: Shut up! Will you shut up in there!
Cut to a middle-aged man with small moustache and neat pajamas
banging on the wall with what appears to be an Indian club.
Man: Shut up! (it goes quiet next door) That's
He walks to a side wall and hangs his club on a hook beneath
big old-fashioned art-nouveau sign clearly labeled `The Burlington
Wall-banger'. He goes across to bed and gets in. In the bed are a
party of four Japanese businessmen in suits with lapel badges, two
lady American tourists with rain hats and cameras, three other
mustached English gentlemen in pajamas, four Tour De France riders,
three Swedish businessmen, and Winston Churchill. In the corner of
the room are three Tour De France bicycles. All the people are
watching TV. All in the bed are slightly tear-stained and sad, and
eating popcorn and crisps, utterly absorbed. On TV we hear a Hamlet
sad speech.
Hamlet: I am myself indifferent honest, but then I could
accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne
Cut to the TV set in the room. Close in on TV set to see
Hamlet lying beside Ophelia, who is gazing at him intently. It is
the same Hamlet we saw in the psychiatrist's scene. They are in one
of those rather austere modern theatre sets.
Hamlet: O fair Ophelia, nymph, in thy orisons, be all my
sins remembered ...
Ophelia: So anyway, you've got the girl on the bed and her
legs are on the mantelpiece ...
The nurse from the psychiatrist's office enters.
Nurse: Out! (bundles her off)
Continue on to the next sketch...