(Showbiz music, cut to a big sign saying 'It's'. Pull out to
reveal glossy spangly, opulent showbiz set. Two extraordinary famous
guests sitting on sofas)
Announcer's Voice: Tonight from London your special guests
are Lulu, Ringo Starr and the man you've all been waiting for - your
host for tonight......
(More music. The It's man, tattered and ragged as usual,
emerges onto set)
Lulu: Love the outfit dear, it's gorgeous
It's Man: Hello, good evening, welcome. It's.......
(The signature tune and opening animated titles start. the
It's man, still visible through the titles, tries vainly to stop
them. The guests walk off in disgust. The It's man tries to drag
them back. Failing, he sits down as the music ends. Fade out)