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Monty Python Scripts

A Man with a Tape Recorder up his Nose / A Man with a Tape Recorder up his Brother's Nose

The cast:

John Cleese

The sketch:

Announcer: And now for something completely different - a man with a tape recorder up his nose

We see Michael in a dinner suit on a small stage, with potted plants, etc. He ostentatiously inserts a finger up one nostril. We hear the Marseillaise. He removes his finger and the music stops. He puts his finger up the other nostril, and we hear rewinding noises. Once again he puts his finger up the first nostril and we hear the Marseillaise again. He bows. Shot of film of an oldfashioned audience of women clapping.

Announcer: And now a film about a man with a tape recorder up his brother's nose.

Cut to Michael on the same stage, this time with Graham Chapman. Michael puts his finger up Graham's nostril and we hear the Marseillaise. He removes his finger and puts it up Graham's other nostril. We hear the sound of a tape rewinding.

Announcer: And now in stereo

Michael simultaneously puts a finger up his own nostril and a finger on the other hand, up Graham's nostril. We now here two recordings of the Marseillaise together, but slightly out of sync.

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